Today the two most important aspects for an individual to look for with respect to financial planning & life Insurance are "Investment & Protection" respectively. All parents & individuals mostly relate life insurances with casualty & death. In reality, it is for the living. Same goes with the investment people think we are saving for retirement. But ideally, we do investments to grow our hard money which eventually helps us at each & every important phase of life.

We all have a lot of dreams for our future & for our loved ones. As a working woman, I always plan about how can I secure the future & do the financial planning to achieve my dreams. In order to do so, we all need to ensure one think that our investment should be in such a way that it should not impact our dreams in the adverse situation or in the case of any casualty. Coming to the part of a casualty or any accident, we need to have a life insurance. We need to strengthen ourselves to fight against the uncertainties of life & surely life insurance is one of the weapons.
Now here comes the real task, we need to have a proper investment plan to achieve our dreams & parallelly we need to have a life insurance too, to keep our family on a safer side.
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance is launching an online term plan that can be a life-changing solution for an individual. In today’s uncertain times, people are looking for a worry-free protection solution which not only gives them a plain vanilla life cover but also against disability or dreaded diseases. This new product will help in fortifying the brand’s overall product offerings and help the buyers chart their financial planning in a worry-free manner. It is designed to protect and meet an individual's present and future financial needs including providing the shield to Wealth & health both.
I will be covering the launch event of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance new product on my blog. So please stay tuned for next blogpost which will cover the detailed information on new online term plan including a wellness platform mobile application which will be also launched on the same day. Bajaj Allianz Insurance is also running an exciting campaign on their twitter handle @BajajAllianzLIC & Facebook page respectively called #IfsOfLife. You can also join the contest & win some exciting prizes. Follow them on Twitter & FB to get live updates with hashtag #IfsOfLife
So till then be happy & start working on your financial & physical fitness.